📷How to sum up one of the biggest years of my life thus far...
Aside from finally settling into West Coast living, we purchased and renovated our first home, I completed culinary school and had a baby. One of those things alone would made it a big year but having our healthy and beautiful son solidified my position as the most blessed person alive.
On becoming a mother...in many ways it has profoundly changed me but in others I feel exactly the same. When we first brought Everest home we were in survival mode, as many new parents can attest. We lived moment to moment, riding the highs and the lows and generally trying to find a sane equilibrium. But as the dust settled I think one of the biggest gifts Everest has given me is my new ability to pause from my overly-planned and hyper-organized life and just live. I have totally and completely embraced my new 'one-day-at-a-time' mantra and have managed to hold on to that even now that we're out of survival mode. Every day is an adventure and each moment demands that you be totally present, especially when you're raising a person. Having recently seen Eckhart Tolle speak, my view about the power of each moment has solidified.
And while Everest has given me so many gifts I believe that some of the best things I can give him in return are to remain my own individual person even as I fully become "Everest's mom" and to prioritize my marriage. Our marriage is the most important relationship in my life; I know that if it's in a healthy and happy place I'm giving Everest the gift of a strong, solid, positive foundation on which he will base much of his future views.
I'll close with an Eckhart Tolle quote that I feel apropos to the past year of my life: “Life will give you whatever experience is most helpful for the evolution of your consciousness. How do you know this is the experience you need? Because this is the experience you are having at the moment.”